"Today's problems cannot be solved by thinking the way we thought when we created them" - Albert Einstein

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hope in Tragedy

Today's bloody attack on innocent Londoners, while tragic, heinous, and deplorable, should also offer a ray of hope for those of us in the civilized and modern world. With this desperate and cowardly attack, al-Qaida inadvertently offers confirmation that our global war on terror is succeeding.

Their attack is desperate because these cave-dwelling dogs have had four years since 9/11 and the ensuing Afghan war to plan a spectacular attack against the US and Britain, and this is the best they can do. Four small, amateur bombs - a truly juvenile attempt with a human toll that pales in comparison to the sacrifices our society has made in past struggles for liberty (e.g. the 30-50 million civilians killed during WWII). Of course, these thugs do not have the courage, intelligence, or means to actually fight us in a real war. Instead, arming their charges with Western technology and weapons funded by Western money obtained through oil revenues (if they were truly pure believers, they would not have to use Western weapons - they would be fighting us with weapons native to their midieval strain of Islam; weapons like stones and swords), they hide like frightened dogs and rely on ignorant, brainwashed youths to fight for them.

It is cowardly because once again, it was carried out by henchmen stupid enough to be brainwashed into doing the biding of the impotent infidels hiding in Afghanistan. Cowardly because they target civilians who have done nothing to them and who could not care less about their demented radical 'Islamist' cause and their perverted delusions of grandeur. Again, if these dogs were true men, they would be fighting our soldiers in the battlefield, not targeting innocent civilians that are easy to hit.

Fifty-plus fatalities is a travesty and an outrage, especially to those families, and deserves an equally merciless response. But 50 fatalities in an entirely unoriginal, pathetic, and tired attack borrowed from terrorist playbooks going back to the 1970s is a long cry from the global revolution they think they are sparking.

If there is any good to be found in today's attacks, it is a strong indication that steadily and surely, these backward Islamist radicals are losing the war we are taking to them, even though they may not be intelligent enough to yet know it.


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