Has the Beginning of the End of 'Martyrdom' Begun?
The world, and more specifically the British, response to yesterday's cowardly attacks in London is a model of courage, stoicism, and resolve. The Underground is back up and running, Londoners are going about their lives as if nothing happened, the G8 carried on with their agenda, world stock markets are surging, etc.
To some extent, we have already won the war on terror. For one, the best terrorists can do any more is apparently small-time, opportunistic, amateur bombing of civilians, and we have really just begun our reformation of society in the Middle East. Secondly, it should be clear to anybody and everybody that no terrorist activity, no matter how spectacular and deadly, will ever make us fear the terrorists, much less weaken our resolve to destroy them and wipe them from the globe.
One has to wonder, having seen hundreds of so-called 'martyrs' blowing themselves up and seeing the West's response be unity, determination, and decisive retribution, the impressionable youths in the Middle East and Central Asia who are the targets of terrorist recruitment must begin questioning the proselytizing encouraging them to 'martyr' themselves for the 'Islamist' cause. They must now be thinking twice about taking place in suicide missions if they know their death will do nothing to advance their cause. They may be brainwashed by a virulent, perverted strain of Islam, but they are still (arguably) human.
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