"Today's problems cannot be solved by thinking the way we thought when we created them" - Albert Einstein

Monday, July 18, 2005

Clinton for Secretary General?

After President Clinton left office in 2001 there was intermittent talk about him angling for Kofi Annan's job as Secretary General of the United Nations. While at the time this was anathema to those of us who think Clinton was a disgrace to the Office of the President, it is really not a bad idea at this point.

While his personal shortcomings make him a poor choice for the role of chief executive, his personality and talents make him ideally suited to serve as the figurehead of a deliberative and diplomatic body such as the UN. Few have a deeper knowledge and understanding of history, and he is skilled and gifted in the arts of diplomacy. While his unending popularity campaign as POTUS did little to bolster national security, his popularity around the globe could go a long way towards building sorely needed good will and credibility for America. He would undoubtedly be successful in making inroads with countries ambivalent to our Western causes and deepening ties with our allies, ultimately making good on the national security obligations he was unable to wholly fulfill as a president paralyzed by political scandal.

But the biggest contribution President Clinton would make to the United States in serving as the Secretary General of the United Nations actually has nothing to directly do with him, but rather his wife, Senator Clinton. With President Clinton at the helm of the UN, it is virtually certain the already nepotism-weary American body politic would would deny Hillary the slim chance she currently holds of becoming the next President of the United States.


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